The UNIX man system is composed of two parts: a collection of online documents and an accompanying document reader. UNIX手册系统由两个部分组成:联机文档的集合和相应的文档阅读程序。
Firefox ( all versions) will render such a document natively, although the reader must have previously installed suitable math fonts ( see Resources for a link). Firefox(所有版本)将原生地呈现此类文档,尽管读者必须预先安装了适当的数学字体(参见参考资料中的链接)。
So far, so good, but when a user edits and saves the document, your form still treats the field as single value, not multi-value, so it may render your Reader Names field useless. 到目前为止没有出现问题,但是当用户编辑并保存文档时,表单仍会将该字段作为单值处理,而不是多值,因此可能会使ReaderNames字段变得毫无用处。
In addition, anyone with the ability to edit a document can add a Reader list ( last tab of document properties), which is then stored as a field called$ Readers. 另外,任何能够编辑文档的人都可以添加Reader列表(文档属性的最后一个附签),然后该列表被存储为一个名为$Readers的字段。
In addition, the group name is removed from the Members list of all other groups, from the ACLs of databases, and from document Reader and Author names fields in all databases. 此外,还将从其他所有组的Member列表中、从数据库的ACL中以及从所有数据库的文档Reader和Author姓名字段中删除这个组名称。
The document reader is simply another command-line utility, aptly named man. 文档阅读程序仅仅是一个名为man的命令实用程序。
Reader name fields can provide document security, but can have adverse affect on views that display documents that contain reader name fields. Readername字段可以提供文档安全性,但对显示包含readername字段的那些文档的视图来说,存在负面影响。
Every employee can see only his/ her own document due to Reader Names restrictions. 由于ReaderNames的约束,每个雇员只能看到他/她自己的文档。
When the user double-clicks the document, you need to launch the document in its associated application ( such as the Adobe Reader for a PDF file). 当用户双击文档时,需要在相关联的应用程序中打开文档(比如用AdobeReader打开PDF文件)。
Not only can such a document very quickly become difficult to maintain, the reader is distracted by traceability information within the text, making the documents difficult to read. 这样的文档不但会很快就难于维护,而且读者会被文字中的追溯信息搞乱,这使得文档很难阅读。
A document that looks like a novel often scares off the reader because it looks like too much work. 一份像小说一样厚的简历常常会吓退阅读者因为它看上去要看很久。
Aural presentation occurs often by converting the document to plain text and then feeding this to a screen reader. 音频通常通过将文档转化为无格式文本,并将它输入一个屏幕浏览器中产生。
This document is intended to familiarize the reader with the use and misuse of radar by examining basic scientific and engineering principles in detail. 这个文件被打算使熟悉有由详细检验基本科学、工程的原则的雷达的使用和误用的读者。
A finished research report should be a readable and useful document prepared with the reader in mind. 一份完工的研究报告应该是一份为心目中的读者准备的有可读性并且有用的文件。
An ebook looks just like a Microsoft document but it is transformed into an ebook format such as PDF where the reader cannot make any changes to the document. 一个电子书看起来就像微软的一个文档,但它是转变成一个电子书格式,如PDF在读者无法做任何变化到该文件。
That implies that anyone posting a Xanadu document grants the world a licence to quote from it, charging the reader a one-time fee if they wish – a principle I call "transcopyright". 其含义是,如果一个人贴出一个Xanadu文件,就意味着他授权这个世界上任何人可以去引用这个文件,当然有时会收费&这就是我所谓的“泛版权”(transcopyright)。
WPF Text Reading and Flow Document Support, and the new NYTimes, Daily Mail, and Seattle Post-Intelligencer Reader Applications WPF的文字阅读和FlowDocument支持,以及新的纽约时报,每日邮报,和西雅图邮报Intelligencer的阅读器程序
The popular PDF document format has made the Adobe Reader software virtually ubiquitous. PDF格式文档的普遍流行使得AdobeReader软件几乎在所有操作系统中无处不在。
When using this document, the reader should always refer to the descriptions, notes and rules provided in the AICM reports and diagrams. 当使用此文件是,读者应该经常在所提供的AICM报告和图表中查阅描述、记录和准则。
A machine for sorting things into classes. magnetic document sorter reader 把东西分成类别的机器。磁性文件分类阅读机
The article states how to use booklist during librarian ship such as leader's decision making, document gathering, books catalogue, reader service, exchange lending and shared resource, which is helpful for librarians to better use booklist later. 文章就书目在图书馆领导决策、文献采访、图书编目、读者服务、馆际互借、资源共享等业务工作中的作用进行论述,有助于图书馆工作人员在今后的业务工作中更好地利用书目。
Based on the document delivery service the author analyzed the reader's demand changes in network environment, and put forward some suggestions to satisfy readers 'needs better. 本文从我馆开展文献传递服务的实践出发,分析了网络环境下读者对图书馆文献传递服务的需求变化,并提出开展以读者需求为中心的文献传递服务的对策。
This document introduces the function, architecture com-ponents and rational of the RFID reader. 介绍了识读器的功能、组成及基本原理。
Under the network environment and with the rapid development of the document carrier and the document information resources, the reader's demand has correspondingly developed, which has taken on three features. 在网络环境下,随着文献载体和文献信息资源的迅猛发展,读者需求也发生了相应的发展变化,呈现出三大特点。
Reading is a medium between the extremes of document and reader. It not only makes the internal information of document flow, but also makes the internal information communicate with external information ( also includes reader's information). 阅读作为文献和读者的中介,可使文献内部的信息进行交流,又可推动内部信息与包括读者信息在内的外界信息进行交流。
This paper discussed the relationship between accepts aesthetics and library documents with readers, also discussed the application accept aesthetics theory in research and guidance work of library document and reader accept theory, sublime the theoretical connotation of documents and reader working under the new library service mode. 探讨接受美学在图书馆中与馆藏文献、读者的关系,将接受美学理论用于图书馆文献和读者接受理论的研究指导工作中,升华图书馆新服务模式下文献和读者工作的理论内涵。
The library should process utilizing from the collection of the information resources to transmitting, from paper document to multimedia document, from reader education serving to utilizing of large ways, we must strengthen the construction and use of the digitized library in an all-round way. 图书馆应该从信息资源的收藏加工到传递利用,从纸质文献到多媒体文献,从读者教育到多途径服务利用等各个方面,全面加强数字化图书馆的建设与利用。
Changeable means the change in document information form, reader demand, management technique and the idea; 所谓变,是指图书馆的文献信息形态、读者的需求、管理技术、图书馆人员的观念的变化;